Fibroids and more…..
What was taken out.
The largest tumor sitting front and center in this picture was growing within my uterus’ cavity. The surgeon told my husband it was about the size of a melon. The two smaller sort of round shapes above the “melon” were also fibroids which the surgeon described as the size of a grapefruit and an onion. The other odd looking stuff was described as abnormal tissue. It was wrapped around my left fallopian tube and attached to the left ovary. The effect of that ended up being improper blood flow to my left ovary. No idea how many years that was going on.
My beautiful uterus post-op.
Here’s a close-up of my reconstructed uterus and left ovary once they were all stitched up. Poor thing was absolutely butchered during the surgery and restored with 4 layers of sutures. It had a long recovery ahead.